Personal Information

Date of Birth
German (native), English (fluent), Norwegian Bokmål (basic)
settled (married & childs)

Professional Experience

2018+: BIST GmbH — Managing Partner / SAP EHS Consultant
  • Founcer & Managing Partner (CEO) of SAP EHS specialised consultancy BIST GmbH
  • Development of customer-specific solutions in SAP EHS (ABAP, WWI & Expert)
  • Provisioning of SAP EHS Regulatory Content (SERC) updates
  • Support and Consulting in SAP EHS, especially PS, GLM(+) & DG
2016–2018: Helasoft GmbH — SAP EHS Consultant / Support Lead
  • Development of customer-specific solutions in SAP EHS (ABAP, WWI & Expert)
  • Provisioning of SAP EHS Regulatory Content (SERC) updates
  • Support and Consulting in SAP EHS, especially PS & DG
  • Manager of the support team
2012–2016: Rimpido GmbH — SAP EHS Consultant
  • Development of customer-specific solutions in SAP EHS (ABAP, WWI & Expert)
  • Provisioning of SAP EHS Regulatory Content updates
  • Support and Consulting in SAP EHS, especially PS & DG
  • Development of web applications (PHP) & system administration (Linux)
2011–2012: Blinde Kuh e.V. — System Administrator
  • Provisioning and support of co-located servers
  • Development of software tools for the servers (PERL, Shell)
  • In-house support for local network and desktops
2006–2011: Universität Hamburg — Research Fellow
  • Develeopment and support of a high-performance-computing cluster (50 nodes)
  • Support and maintenance of various analytical apparatus
  • Lectures and assistance in lab practicals
2000–2004: — Backend & Frontend Developer
  • Enhancement and development of a web-shop front-end (PHP)
  • Support and maintenance of various back-end systems (VB6)
  • Development of a new database layouts (MySQL)


Dr. rer. nat.
Diploma in Chemistry
German Abitur

Skills (Selection)

SAP Modules
Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Windows
Network & Admin
(local) network topologies,
support of servers
quick grasp on problems,


Jogging, Cycling, Trekking / Hiking
J. R. R. Tolkien, G. R. R. Martin, …
Board Games, Pen&Paper

Publications (Selection)

Werner, Thorsten (2013):
Das Mittelerde-Sammelkartenspiel. Eignung und Besonderheiten
In: Hither Shore. Vol. 10. Düsseldorf: Scriptorium Oxoniae.
Werner, Thorsten (2011):
Untersuchungen zur Reaktivität an Komplexen später Übergangsmetalle
PhD thesis. Universität Hamburg.
Werner, Thorsten et al. (2009):
Where is the Electron? Electron Density Distribution in Penta-Coordinate Nickel Complexes
In: XVIII EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry. Göteborg.
Borschel, Marian et al., eds. (2008):
Viele Pfade–Ein Geist: Logbuch der Stämme der Christuskirche Othmarschen.
Hamburg: Christuskirche Othmarschen.

» Excellence in Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) «

At the beginning of my career, in 2012, I took part in two SAP EHS Regulatory Content (SERC) upgrades for Product Safety (PS) at two different companies under supervision. Additionally I was part of a team, which merged the whole Product Safety of a company from a third party tool into SAP EHS. My tasks included the adaption of the SDS-layouts and necessary data maintenance, which was great to get an insight into the EHS Data Model.

In the next years SERC upgrades (or formerly CLEO upgrades) at different companies became my main task, so I took over in also managing those upgrade projects myself. That included also the customizing of the SDS layouts in WWI, which could be quite complex in case of some companies. These regularly reoccurring upgrades had let me create some tools to accelerate other tasks.

Most of the time during SERC upgrade is related to adapting the SDS-templates written in WWI, which is based on MS Word documents using a special macro language built on hidden text. I could change the editing model from using SAP Frontend to MS Word after understanding the WWI commands very well, which accelerates the adaptation of SDS layouts very much: At one customer I could reduce the time from more than one month fulltime to about two weeks fulltime. Surely I was asked to support GLM-projects to design and adept the coding of the labels, also, as it is relying on WWI. I took also part in the coding of the printing scenarios for GLM.

The SERC upgrade includes dangerous goods data (DG) as well: My tasks were switching the customizing from customer’s own settings to SAP default delivery and installing/upgrading the OCC (SAP DG Data). Support issues in DG Master and its distribution to satellite systems and holding trainings for data maintenance in DG were other tasks.

Developing for SAP ERP without ABAP is not imaginable, so I began to learn ABAP also, mainly from debugging erroneous function modules or alike. Later I also wrote my own function modules, e.g. a load-balancer for WWI-Servers, an ABAP-rule set that can write data in the Material Master. Everything I have done so far is related to the EHS-module, but also with integration in MM or SD.

Many customer's I was working with are bound to GxP-regulations, e.g. Pharmaceutical companies. Within my works I got deep experience in working within a GxP-regulated system, e.g. Change Mangement with multiple Approval Steps, Application Lifecycle Management, Test Cases. Also I was participating in EHS Stakeholder Meetings as well as being the proxy for the EHS system during vacation of the customer's EHS team leader.

Further projects included VBA-code to have a table of contents for the Exposition Scenarios from the SDS Annex according to REACh or some external tools to compare and migrate Phrase Catalogues from different sources into one SAP-compatible one.

Part of my job was also to create some trainings for REACh (Exposition Scenarios), Global Label Management (GLM), and Dangerous Goods in EHS (DG), where also the training systems had to be customised in advance.

Adapting of WWI layouts does not work without any knowledge of the regulations, so I got familiar with the EU CLP & REACh directives as well as international DG regulations and some national regulations.

Furthermore I was able to participate in some Software Accpetance Tests for SAP EHSM at SAP: testing some functionality and getting familiar with SAP EHSM as well as getting in contact with the development team of SAP EHSM.

» Web coding is poetry… «

In 1997 I joined the so-called "Informatik-AG" at my grammar school. Most pupils used it to get their first connection to the Internet, but some of them, like me, were also interested in the technology behind it. So we started to write a homepage for our school, written in plain HTML.

In 2000 I started jobbing at an Internet start-up, first only to do some office stuff, like writing product descriptions or working on product images. But later I could also work on their Internet site. At that time we migrated from PHP 3 to PHP 4, so I started to learn PHP with that new version and afterwards programmed some subpages in PHP there.

At the same time I took my knowledge to support some charities and societies with their homepages & web sites as a volunteer. That included some explorations in TikiWiki and other CMS-like systems all written in PHP. Later we migrated to WordPress (with version 2.1) and I had programmed some plugins for it to support the needs of the society I worked for.

Beginning with my diploma-thesis I also wrote a web application to manage bibliographies and store the e-papers (or PDFs) at a central directory, called phpBib. This included a system to inform other users about interesting papers as well as the option to download the bibliographies in different formats like BibTex.

As a treasurer of the German Tolkien Society I tried to write a membership management system based on CakePHP, too, but the other members of the committee did not accept it. Still I was interested in using an MVC-framework to rapidly prototype web-applications.

At my previous position I could take all my knowledge together and wrote a web-application in CakePHP 2 using PHP 5.4 (5.6), HTML5, and jQuery as base. When I left that company it supported importing and exporting of Phrase catalogues, like the catalogues used in SAP EHS, and some migration and comparison between catalogues. Another section was the printing of labels for hazardous substances (as pdf).

» It’s your data only if it’s on your server «

At the university I was confronted with some servers running SuSE Linux (7.2 at that time). As I was always interested in server infrastructure, I began to get some knowledge in this and got familiar with the Linux OS.

During my time as PhD-student I was asked to run our research group's server (mainly as samba share), at that time I started to run Linux on my own Laptop. Later I setup and maintained the institute's high-performance-computing (HPC) cluster (running different types of Linux). The cluster included 50 HPC nodes, 2 redundant storage nodes, and 3 entry nodes (one of them used as backup). The entry nodes and the storage nodes used Infiniband for data transfer. All other nodes were connected via standard Gigabit Ethernet with separate networks for storage and other communication (like IPC). The user accounts were distributed between the entry nodes, which served as NIS servers for the HPC nodes. The HPC calculation jobs were distributed by a queuing system that was adapted to our needs.

At the end of my PhD-studies I started to do a part-time job as administrator for a charity that operates a web search engine especially for children. During that time I had to run serveral servers: One server was acting as load-balancer for four web-servers and another one was used as mail-server.

The data retention legislation in Germany and later the Snowden revelations brought my focus to think about cloud-services and my mail setup. I came up that you have to trust your provider thoroughly if you give him any piece of data. As you cannot do this for any US-provider (due to the legislations in the US) and even in Germany you are not completely free of hidden intelligence activities, I thought about running my own server. This server should be encrypted but also reliable in its file system, so I started over using FreeBSD with ZFS and Jails. Currently this server is used mainly as web-, mail-, and cloud-server supported by Letsencrypt TLS certificates.

At my previous position I was responsible for the in-house servers also, which are in use a cloud-server (files, contacts, and calendar) as well as local samba share and web-server or their backup.

» Electron Density is a Keystone to understand Reactivities «

At least, and that should not be forgotten here, I am a professional chemist and had about eleven years of studies and research in chemistry: practically and theoretically.

For sure, chemistry, at a first glance, is stinking and exploding, someone may tell you. But that tells enough: The keystone of understanding chemistry (and the surrounding sciences) is reactivity. On lower level you would ask, why something stinking is produced, on a higher level you have to discuss the reactivity itself. One great challenge of the 21st century is to develop efficient catalysts to solve the energy problems of the world.

In my PhD-thesis I had the opportunity to do some research on reactivities and their origin:
It has four different parts, but in each part I am focussing on reactivities. Two studies use a homogeneous nickel-complex as a catalyst. Both focus on sustainability, in the first one it is the synthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and in the latter one it is formic acid as storage of hydrogen. The third one is a theoretical study on late transition metal-complexes and their suitability as catalyst in the methanol synthesis. The last one is a combination of theoretical and experimental approaches to determine the electron-density of a complex in different oxidising states. With that it was possible to show experimentally and theoretically that even a chlorine ligand (in a given metal-complex-system) may be not so innocent as you may think of it. So electron-density or differentiation of electron-densities can give a very helpful insight in the reactivites of chemicals.

During my time I used standard Schlenk-techniques with nitrogen as protective gas. The complexes were identified using NMR, IR, and UV/Vis measurements as base. In many cases crystals could be obtained which were measured using single crystal X-ray diffractometry (also with high-angle refinement). In lesser cases I also measured Cyclo Voltammetry, ESR-spectra, and others.
The theoretical part was mainly based on calculations with DFT using different (hybrid) functionals, but also MP2/MP4- and HF-calculations were carried out.

» Write an email «

If you are interested in my skills for anything like part-time or full-time projects or employment, or just a loose contact, do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will answer your request as soon as possible.
To prevent those nasty spammers out there, I will not give you may email address here, but I have coded a small PHP-script with some SPAM-protection built-in, which is accessible via popup. So you can send me an email directly using my mail form.


» Catch me at the Social Networks «

Social Networks may offer a good way to get in contact with me and learn some other things about my experiences and careers. Using mobile apps is default, so you have a good chance to get directly to my pocket.
Currently I am using LinkedIn and Xing regularly, so get in touch with me.

Thorsten Werner at   Dr. Thorsten Werner at

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c/o Dr. Thorsten Werner
Franzosenheide 12a
22457 Hamburg

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Telefon: +49 40 22865660
E-Mail:, gerne auch per Kontaktformular.
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